Linda & John are working hard behind the scenes to ensure the Heathfield Bed and Breakfast is COVID19 Secure and ready to re-open.
We want your stay at the Heathfield to be as relaxing and enjoyable as it always has been. However, some elements of our service are going to be different.
Below we have outlined the key areas of our COVID19 policies and procedures to ensure we comply with all Government guidelines.
We want to give you a ‘flavour’ of what will be different when you stay with us.
The safety of our guests, ourselves and the wider community is our priority.
All key areas below are subject to update and change at any time, should Government advice change.
Our full COVID19 risk assessment and method statement can be supplied on request.
We ask our guests be mindful that this is all as new to us as it is to you. Whilst you are staying with us, if you become aware of something that you are not comfortable with, please bring it to our attention immediately by calling us on 01947 605407 or 07852311886 We are all here to help and support each other.
Anyone who meets any of the following criteria SHOULD NOT travel to Heathfield bed and breakfast:
• Has a high temperature or a new persistent cough or a loss of taste and/or smell – follow the guidance on self-isolation
•Or has knowingly come into contact with someone with any of the above symptoms within the last 14 days
• Is living with someone in self-isolation or should be self isolating themselves.
If you have any reason to believe you will be unable to stay with us for any of the above reasons, you should contact us immediately on 01947 605407 or 07852311886 to discuss revising your booking with us.
If you have to revise your booking within 5 days of arrival, we reserve the right to request a copy of your COVID19 test results (positive or negative) before transferring your reservation.
Social distancing
• Social distancing will be maintained, where possible, throughout the building
• We kindly ask all of our guests to be mindful and courteous to other guests, respecting their space, whilst on the premises, and to observe our directions at all times
Hand sanitiser
Hand sanitiser is available At the front door
• In the hallway for use when entering the house at all times & before entering the breakfast room we kindly request that all guests use these facilities at all times whilst on the premises.
Check in
• Check in times will be staggered, where possible.
Linda or John will meet you personally on arrival, from a sociable distance of course!
Cash insure the exact money is in an envelope on arrival or bank transfer or online payment taken by us using stripe system connected to the booking platform this requires a valid credit/ debt card.
Social distancing will be maintained at all times during check in
We have had to make some small changes to our bedrooms and the service that we offer to comply with legislation.
• All ‘non-essential’ items will be removed from bedrooms to avoid cross contamination
• Room information, local information, restaurant suggestions.
• We will be able to provide personal suggestions etc on request, whilst maintaining social distancing
To minimise personal contact, we will not service your room during your stay
• Should we have to enter a guest bedroom at any time during your stay, this will only be done when you are out, to minimise contact
• PPE and/or hand washing will be used, as appropriate for this task
• One set of towels will be in your room on arrival if extra are needed please ask in the morning we will provide you with a bag to put your dirty things in, you are welcome to bring your own pillows towels with you if you wish to. Refills of Teas coffee etc Will be available each morning after breakfast.
Breakfast will still be as exceptional as it always has been. However, we have had to make some small changes to our style of service to comply with guidelines. Breakfast times will be between 08:30 until 09:30as usual but may change to ensure social distancing can be maintained
• Breakfast will be pre-ordered by 9pm the prior evening please leave order in the hall in the basket provided to ensure a smooth and timely breakfast service
• Hand sanitiser must be used before entering the breakfast room
• Guests must vacate the breakfast room at the end of their breakfast to ensure the smooth flow of service and to comply with social distancing requirements
• During breakfast service, where social distancing cannot be maintained, we will wear the appropriate PPE and follow hand washing protocols at all times
• There will be no breakfast buffet available to guests. All items will be served by us to your table Direct from the kitchen
• After the guests have vacated the tables, all items, will be sanitised.
• We have enhanced our already meticulous cleaning standards in line with Government Guidelines
• On guests departure, we will follow all of the relevant Government guidelines to ensure the room is ready and safe for the next guests arrival
• All touch points in guest bedrooms will be identified and appropriately sanitised
• All soft furnishings will be sprayed with an appropriate sanitiser
• All laundry, including pillow duvet protectors etc, will be washed on a high temperature.
• All touch points in communal areas, such as front door handle, stair banister etc, will be identified and sanitised regularly throughout the day.
A copy of out risk assessment is available on request.
Displaying COVID19 symptoms
Should a guest begin to present with any of the recognised COVID19 symptoms whilst staying at Heathfield they should;
• Inform us immediately by phoning 01947 605407 or 077852311886
• Stay in their room until further advise is given
• Anyone else in their group must also stay in their room
You will be asked to leave Heathfield and make your way home where you will have to self-isolate